
The Government Mongolia has launched the Electronic Visa Application System and to provide following information.

  1. Citizens of 98 countries are eligible to apply for Mongolian e-visa through https://www.evisa.mn/
  2. Citizens of 98 countries to stay in Mongolia for a period up to 30 days are able to apply online for 3 categories of visa:
  • K2 visa for tourist;
  • K4 visa for participants in sports or cultural and arts events, as well as creating films and content;
  • K6 visa for transit (for transit – up to 10 days)

3. The Electronic Visa Application System offers following features: E-visa applicants are no longer required to visit the nearest Diplomatic Missions of Mongolia and no need to submit his/her passport and original supporting documents in person and to receive e-visa by his/her email within 48 hours. However, applicants are advised to hold digital or printed version of his/her e-visa to present to airlines and Mongolian border officials when travelling to Mongolia.

Монгол Улс цахим визийн систем https://www.evisa.mn/ -ийг нэвтрүүлж, 98 улсын иргэдэд 30 хүртэлх /дамжин өнгөрөх 10 хүртэлх/ хоногийн визийг цахимаар олгож эхлээд байна.
Цаашид Та бүхэн Монгол Улсад аялал жуулчлал /К2/; соёл урлаг, спортын тэмцээн уралдаан, арга хэмжээнд оролцох, кино, контент бүтээхээр ирэх /К4/; дамжин өнгөрөх /К6/ ангиллын виз мэдүүлэх, жагсаалтад буй улсын иргэдэд Монгол Улсын визийг цахимаар мэдүүлэх боломжтой боллоо.

Доорхи линкээр холбогдон виз мэдүүлнэ үү. https://www.evisa.mn/

Foreign nationals not in above listed countries are required to submit their visa application at the nearest Embassy of Mongolia.


Government of Mongolia makes no provision of charging of any emergency fees or additional fees for grant of any emergency / express e-visa.
Those travelling to Mongolia are also advised to go through instructions available on the website of Mongolian Immigration Agency at http://en.immigration.gov.mn/

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